
Obligations and rights of landlord and tenant

Like any contract, a lease, or more precisely a rental contract, defines a series of rights and obligations of which the contracting parties, the landlord and the tenant, are ...
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Rents: contracts with dry coupon

About ten years after its introduction to the real estate rental market, the option of dry coupon has consolidated as the most popular choice of tax application by owners of properties leased ...
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Why put a property into income rather than leaving it vacant

Do you own a second home but have always had qualms about renting it out? Are you afraid that a new tenant might cause damage to your property or turn out to be a bad payer? o ...
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First home relief 2021: practical help for young people

Among the interventions promoted in 2021 by the government to economically support citizens in this difficult phase resulting from the spread of Covid-19 is the Supports Decree bis. It is ...
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Selling a house: the paperwork requirements

The process of selling a house can be more or less lengthy; it can be exhausted in a few months as well as protracted for much longer periods. To try to reduce this time can ...
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Selling home: presenting the property.

One of the aspects that is often overlooked by those who want to sell their homes is taking care of the appearance of the home itself. Presenting the property for sale appropriately can actually be a ...
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Selling home: the evaluation of the price of the property

If you are a property owner, you have probably wondered what the value of your home is on the real estate market. Assessing the right price of a home requires taking into account ...
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Selling home: real estate agency or do it yourself?

We have arrived at the second article in the column we devote to useful tips on how to sell a house. We deal with a doubt that frequently grips property owners when ...
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Selling house: useful tips

Selling a house is not an everyday occurrence. It is an important and multifaceted decision that involves a whole range of aspects, from economic to emotional-sentimental and ...
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Renting or Selling Home, the dilemma of landlords

Do you own a property and are undecided between renting and selling? Every day we are confronted with people experiencing the same doubt as you, and we, who from ...
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