
What will the house of the future look like?

Have you ever wondered what the home of the future will look like? Many people imagine our homes 15 or 20 years from now with hyper-modern structures and state-of-the-art technological systems. At ...
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How much does it cost to keep your second home vacant

You may not believe it, but keeping the second house empty costs three thousand euros a year. Let's see what the costs are and how we can save. According to reports from the study of a ...
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Acceptance of inheritance

When it comes to inheritance we always begin to ask ourselves multiple questions as it turns out to be a complex and difficult subject to understand. With this article we hope to clarify many of your ...
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Superbonus real estate capital gains: beware!

Have you just finished renovating your property with the Superbonus and decided to sell it? Let's see what happens. The beginning of 2024, with the introduction of the Budget Law marked ...
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Three golden rules for vacation home buyers

In this article, dedicated to advice for those intent on buying a vacation home, you can find some basic rules to consider before embarking on a venture full of ...
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The down payment for the purchase of a home

When we are in the process of buying a home, we are faced with certain steps to take: once we have identified the right property for us and decided to buy, the first step to ...
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dry coupon: what's new 2024

As of January 1, 2024, the rates of dry coupon will increase to 3. For property rentals under short lease agreements, from 2024, with the changes introduced by the law ...
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What is real estate exchange?

Sometimes we hear about the real estate exchange and many people do not actually know what it is or how it works. With this article, we try to shed some light on this topic. Let's start ...
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Bare ownership: let's get clarity

Among the various possibilities offered by the real estate market is the purchase of "bare ownership," many people ask us what it is, what consequences it has and whether it is ...
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Nowadays, the first approach to the world of real estate for many of the people who want to buy homes is through access to the many online portals where in no time and in ...
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